IuteCredit BH d.o.o. Sarajevo opened the doors of its fourth branch – branch East Sarajevo
IuteCredit BH d.o.o. Sarajevo is a micro-credit company providing innovative consumer loans to private clients and operating in B&H as a subsidiary of the international corporation IuteCredit Europe AS, based in Tallinn, Estonia.
The mission of the IuteCredit BH team is to provide its customers the fastest and most comfortable credit experience, always exceeding their expectations.
With the help of revolutionary application softwares, capable of processing and managing client data in a safe and fast manner, the time required to respond to our clients is maximally reduced, to client’s extreme satisfaction.
MKD IuteCredit BH d.o.o. Sarajevo offers a fast and efficient way of interest free financing for your first loan of up to 600 KM.
During the month of love, clients can apply at MKD IuteCredit BH d.o.o. for cash loans of up to 1.000 KM with the term of up to 12 months, with a lower loan installment. All it takes is a couple of minutes to complete an online application, and the response to the application will be given in just 10 minutes.
In addition to fast cash loans, MKD IuteCredit BH d.o.o. Sarajevo offers consumer loans with a repayment period of up to 18 months, even for clients without a full-time job. Our clients can shop with IuteCredit BH Partners, please look for a list of partners at MKD IuteCredit BH d.o.o. Sarajevo website (www.iutecredit.ba). In addition to outstanding customer experience, it only takes 10 minutes to become the owner of the desired product and a satisfied customer of the fastest and most comfortable lender in Bosnia and Herzegovina.
In addition, car loans are offered with financing up to 16,000 KM, with a very simple approval procedure, 0 percent down payment, and no additional collateral.
Clients can apply from the comfort of their home, or visit the nearest MKD IuteCredit BH d.o.o. Sarajevo Branch, located at:
Hamdije Kapidžića br. 1-2, (Bulevar branilaca Dobrinje), Municipality Novi Grad, Sarajevo;
Branilaca Sarajeva br. 16, Municipality Centar, Sarajevo;
Zmaja od Bosne br. 50, Municipality Novo Sarajevo, Sarajevo;
Hilandarska br. 13, Municipality East New Sarajevo, East Sarajevo.
For more information please visit our website www.iutecredit.ba or contact us at +38733257666.